Carnegie Mellon University

Help our students reach their life potential. Become a Carnegie Mellon Student Career Sponsor!

As a Carnegie Mellon Student Career Sponsor, your contribution will help us assist students with each phase of their career and professional development. You'll also receive advantages associated with being a sponsor. Student Career Sponsorship is for the duration of two academic semesters.

To become a Carnegie Mellon Student Career Sponsor register via Handshake here.

We offer two different levels of sponsorship: Tartan & Scotty

Contribution cost:
Tartan - $10,000
Scottie - $5,000

Career Sponsor Advantages



Recruiting Advantages

Complimentary Career Fair Registrations for all CPDC career fairs and one day of STEM career fair (any additional STEM career fair attendance will be at a cost)



$200 credit towards one career fair


Exclusive ability to host on-campus information sessions and Interviews before the Fall STEM Fair and Spring Jumpstart Networking Event

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CPDC will cover the Conference & Event room reservation Fee for 1 On-Campus Information Session per semester (Does not apply to catering and a/v fees)

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Ability to be an employer in residence within the CPDC Interview Center at your request

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Will receive first-round priority as it relates to co-hosting workshops with the CPDC Staff

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Ability to hold one company day and/or company specific event, CPDC will cover the Conference & Event Room Reservation Fee (Does not apply to catering and a/v fees)


CPDC assistance in organizing a diversity-related engagement and/or initiative


Ability to receive 4 specific resume books yearly


Direct connection with up to four student organizations


Ability to contribute up to $2k from the sponsorship price to student group/s that best align with employer talent strategy


Marketing Advantages

Included in CPDC-Career Sponsor Collection in Handshake 

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Company Branding: Logo displayed on the CPDC Career Sponsor Plaque located in our Interview Center, TV Displays, and Website. Additional Mentions on Social Media at least twice a semester

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Event-Specific Corporate Sponsorship Recognition

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Company Generated media shared or posted through CPDC LinkedIn Page once a semester


Company Spotlight in the Student Scoop Newsletter


Ability to send mountable artwork or logo to be displayed in CPDC Interview Center


Additional Advantages

Complimentary parking spaces (up to 2 cars a day) for a campus visit

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One Year Membership and Invite to Annual Employer Advisory Board Meeting

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Timeline for Registration for 2024-2025:
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 - deadline of August 31st
Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 - deadline of January 20th

Two Academic Semesters (summer is included)
  • July 1st-June 30th
  • January 1st-December 31st

For additional information, please contact:

Heather Walmsley
Assistant Director of Employer Relations